Monday, February 8, 2010


Relationships take work, seriously!

"Relationships breed happiness, which brings the will to succeed."
As you can tell from the title, relationships might possibly take a little bit of work. What do I know though. Relationships are a very healthy aspect of you life, if you have the right ones. What makes the right relationship? There are many different characteristics that determines this. How do i know, I'm only 18. Yeah, well, we will see.
  1. Relationships are positive. They need to try and be encouraging as much as humanly possible. Now I know that this cannot happen all the time, as we cannot always be in a good enough mood to encourage ourselves, much less someone else. By doing this, it allows things to go along more smoothly, even when one, or both of the persons are in a NOT so good mood. So keep that in mind.
  2. Effort is Caring. We often tend to just take a backseat to a relationship and allow for things to go for a bit. This is fine for a period of time, but after awhile you can get a sense of the relationship slipping through your fingers. This can cause minimal problems in a relationship such as arguing and getting adapted to the way things are and if they change, then WOW, you are surely out of luck on that one my friend!
  3. "I love you, but I don't think this is going to work." Wow, this is one I have been hearing for some time now. If someone says this to you, guess what? THEY DON'T REALLY LOVE YOU. Love is something great. Something that cannot go away. No matter how much you dislike or can't stand a person, you do not fall "out of love" with a person. It's not humanly possible. That person will forever hold a special LOVING place in your heart. So, with me saying all of this, people that genuinely love each other should be together. You will do more emotional damage trying to not be together, when it is very easy to work through your tough time and continue to flourish and love each other. Enough said,

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Welcome Committee.

Hello all,

This is my first time joining the (blogosphere), I feel like it would be a very fun thing to do since I like to babble about a whole lot of things that people really seem to enjoy listening too, so why not allow the mass amount of people on the Internet be able to listen to this rambling about hysterical and somewhat serious real life, every day challenges and things that just really piss us off.